The ovmlpy
package provides image and video machine learning tools for volleyball analytics. It provides similar functionality to the ovml package, but ovmlpy
uses a Python-based implementation which should offer improved performance. ovmlpy
takes care of installing Python and required dependencies: you do not need an existing Python installation on your system.
## install.packages("remotes")
On first use, you need to tell ovmlpy
to install Python and some required packages. It will install these into a virtual environment, so that they do not interfere with other Python installation(s) that you might already have on your system:
Some other setup/installation notes:
if you wish to use a GPU card for improved performance you will need to ensure that the drivers are installed on your system
the first time you use a new type of network, it will also download the associated network weights file (~70MB, depending on network version)
note that you probably can’t use
in the same R session, because of conflicts in shared libraries.
includes the YOLO v7 object detection algorithm and an experimental version of this network specifically for detecting volleyballs. This implementation draws heavily from WongKinYiu/yolov7.
Create the network object once …
… then we can use the network to detect objects in an image:
img <- ovml_example_image()
dets <- ovml_yolo_detect(dn, img)
ovml_ggplot(img, dets)
Or detect human poses (experimental!):
dn2 <- ovml_yolo("7-w6-pose")
dets2 <- ovml_yolo_detect(dn2, img)
ovml_ggplot(img) +
geom_segment(data = dets2, aes(x1, y1, xend = x2, yend = y2, col = segment), size = 1.5) +
scale_color_d3(palette = "category20", guide = "none")